The Plan

Updated April 16, 2016

Big news for our family. We are moving back to Richmond, VA. Our family is super excited and looking forward to establishing some roots and settling down. We have purchased a home and will be moving at the end of the month. I started working for Royall and Company providing marketing to Colleges and Universities in Higher Education. One day, we will have another sailboat and will be sailing the Chesapeake Bay again. It comes full circle as this chart is where we started our sailing adventure as well as where we sailed when we used to live in Richmond and will be where we will sail in the future.


It is hard to believe that it has been almost three years since we started this journey.  Check out one of our first blogs where we talked about how we got here and why we took this journey.  (From Dream to Reality).  In summary, we encourage you to Dream big (encourage you to check out the dream big link)– Over the last 10+ years, Jen and I have dreamed and planned for this journey.  Years ago we thought we  would do this adventure once the kids were off on their own and we were retired.  But the more we thought about it and read about other families who have done similar things, the more we realized we wanted our kids to experience this too.  We want ourselves and our kids to live outside our comfort zones and live life to the fullest while at the same time giving back to those in need.  We have always dreamed that this would be about adventure and at the same time service to others.   Over the last 4 years, God gave us clear signals that we needed to take this leap of faith.  As we bring this journey to a close, I really like what Jen said in our final family interview, “it’s the little things that can make you giddy


We have really enjoyed writing this blog.  The purpose of the blog was to have a diary with photos of our journey that our family could look at in the years to come.  We hope that one day our grandchildren will read this blog and it will inspire them to live outside the box and travel and see the world and not be afraid to live life a little differently.  We have been honored that family, friends, other cruisers, and strangers have followed our blog.  We thank you for your kind words and encouragement.  God has blessed us through this journey and we thank him for keeping us safe and somewhat sane (living on a boat can drive you truly insane at times).  Every night before we fall asleep, Marc and I pray together.  Every night we pray for safe travels and health.  We also thank God every night for allowing us to experience this beautiful world he has created.

We will keep blogging for a few more months.  Then once we settle down on land, we will probably retire the blog.  Thanks again for following our journey.DSC_0133


32 thoughts on “The Plan

  1. Hi,
    I just stumbled on your blog. We are following other families but never seen yours. We are family of 5 with kids 6,4 and 3. We are now in search of boat and our “due date” to sail off is November 2017. Looks like our kids will be similar ages when we start as yours. i will go back and read what I can.
    Thank you


    • Hi Eva…are you still planing to set sail in 2017? We are a family looking for other families to chat with about this adventure as well. We are hoping to set sail about the same time as you….if we can make things work…

  2. Marc, So great to see that you guys are doing well. Can’t believe all that you have done. Quite the inspirational tale.

  3. I have so enjoyed, selfishly, following your lives on this fantastic adventure! It is a jouney I will never make, but perhaps, like you, if I tell my grandchildren about it, they will be inspired to live outside the box as well!! The pictures have been fabulous and treasured keepsakes for you and your children. You have such a wonderful family and God’s grace and mercy are certainly evident in your blogs. Your children are blessed to have parents such as you two! He has blessed your family and I know you will do many more good works for him as you grow your faith in his leading!

    I will continue to follow you as long as you blog, and hope that if you are in Marietta sometime our paths will cross. When you have become land lubbers once again, I will be sad. (again – selfish) But I have been enriched by your lives and your faith. Thank you, once again.
    Continued safe travels in His hands,
    Marcia Kimball

  4. Hello Marc and Jen. I am very good friends with Dawn and TR. My daughter was even at your wedding babysitting for them! They showed me your blog and I am completely fascinated! Thank you for having the blog and I will be checking in frequently! I love the beautiful photos. They are amazing!

  5. Are you on the bout sailing yet? Joellen we are already in the cannon in the steps and the math group is still on the steps

  6. Marc – how enchanting your journey! I am so happy for your family and will keep you in prayer. Mission work continues to call you and I am sure you will be led to many unexpected and eye-opening tasks. I am going to send my brother (you may remember he is a Franciscan currently serving as Minister General of the order) and if you seek opportunities and connections he may be able to provide a few. God Bless your new adventure!

    Maryann Stockton (Harrison Indy East)

  7. Marc,
    Wishing you all the best. I hope all goes well. If on Grand Bahamma reach out to Fr. Dave Cooper. He is the Pastor of Mary Star of the Sea, Freeport and St. Michael, West End, Grand Bahama and a classmate from St. Meinrad. He is most gracious guy. We met with him when Elva and I were out there about 7 years ago.

  8. I just sent you a note on LinkedIn, but after reading a bit of your blog, I had to leave another note here. Again, congratulations on this amazing journey! I see that you plan to end your time in Costa Rica. As I mentioned in my LinkedIn note, I have a friend from college whose family of 4 took a similar journey, but on land instead of the sea, and they spent a decent chunk of that time living in Costa Rica. (They’ve now settled in Santiago.) If you’d like to connect with them, just let me know.

  9. Marc,

    So excited for you and your family. This is an amazing adventure indeed! Will you be able to Skype and other things along the way?

    • Good to hear from you – yes we will be able to skype and other things along the way – Jen and I plan to post some contact information up here once we get our Skype account up and going along with satellite phone number – for now email would be best

  10. Perfection of character is this: To live each day as it is your last, without frenzy, without apathy, and without pretense. – Marcus Aurelius

    Have an awesome journey.

  11. Marc,
    I was just sent your blog and this is incredible. What an inspiring and courageous tale you will tell as your adventure continues. I look forward to reading about every journey you will take. The best of luck to you and your family! Christa

    • Christa – Great to hear from you – I am sorry that we didn’t get a chance to properly say good-bye but hopefully our paths again will cross – Tell all at Orbis hello. Thanks for the affirmation – Any advice?

  12. Wow, Marc!!! What a courageous leap of faith that you and your family have taken on. I’m going to share your blog with my dad and nephews back in Chicago. They had gone on a sailing trip for the first time a few summers back with the Boy Scouts, and have always talked about going back to the caribbean someday. Thank you for posting about your adventures. Prayers and well wishes to you and your family.

  13. Wow, Marc!!! What a courageous leap of faith that you and your family have taken on. I’m going to share your blog with my dad and nephews back in Chicago. They had gone on a sailing trip for the first time a few summers back with the Boy Scouts, and have always talked about going back to the caribbean someday. Thank you for posting about your adventures. Prayers and well wishes to you and your family.

    • Erika – Great to hear from you — Do share our blog with other folks such as your family and those at Orbis (tell all hello). We are active in the Scouts as well and if your family or Den does make it to the Caribbean over the next year or so tell them they have a sailboat waiting for them to sail with.

  14. Love your Blog…I read every page! I think this is such an awesome endeavor you are undertaking. I will be checking back often on all you adventures. Maybe the kids can connect with my new 5th grade class somehow 🙂 We will miss you!

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